Accordion Cut Watermelon Radishes

After living in the PNW, where produce abounds, fresh gardens line the stakes of every yard, and garden boxes are on every porch, the lack of produce here still baffles me. Walking into a market fills the spirit with overwhelming joy, as the brilliant and bright colors and sweet earthy smells of fresh fruits and veggies engulf the senses in the likes of California, Oregon, and Washington.


It took me three weeks to order these amazing babies, watermelon radishes, into my local store here in Colorado.

And, when they finally did arrive ~ the price tag was absolutely astronomical.
I walked to the register ~ $14.99/lb. Are you kidding me?

$16.74 for four radishes. Seriously.

Well, I suppose it was worth it.

Accordion cut and spiralized, these watermelon radishes were and are radiant and ravishing.

Simply steamed, drizzled with a touch of melted coconut oil, and then sprinkled with vanilla salt, I was in heaven.


Watermelon radishes, though, can be enjoyed so many other ways – after all, despite their beauty and intrigue, they really are just radishes…not so intimidating.


Accordion Cut Watermelon Radishes

A bit kicky with a tremendous bite, thinly scalloped and raw in salads, these bulbs are bodacious.

Roasted, really roasted in some coconut oil or deliciously drenched in Kerrygold, with soft insides and crispy edges, the bite transforms into a silly sweetness you simply cannot resist.


So, perhaps, bite the bullet, shovel out $16.74 for four of these wonderfully ravishing watermelon radishes, while the start to the summer still sings.



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