Sunny Sunshine Egg Salad Boats


Sunshine Boats

1 large cucumber, peeled and ends removed
2 hard boiled eggs
generous portion of freshly ground Florida Sunshine salt (or your favorite combination of salts)
fresh ground pepper
cilantro or fresh dill for garnish
A splash of apple cider vinegar ~ optional


Slice the cucumber in half, long ways.  
Using a spoon, scoop out the seeded flesh, reserving and transferring to a separate bowl.  
Halve the two cucumber sides to create four “boats.”

With a fork, mash together the reserved cucumber insides with the hardboiled eggs, salt, pepper, and cilantro or dill. 
Depending on how juicy the cucumber a splash of vinegar may be necessary.

Evenly divide the mixture among the four boats, filling to the brim.



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