Vanilla Salt

I am a salt fanatic. Honestly. Truly. and really.

I love salt.

GOOD salt.

There is an incredible difference between the salt found on the table at a typical eatery and the fine flakes of deliciousness we brush across our lives in a bit of savory indulgence.

That said, most salt is savory.

I’m a fan of both savory and a little sweet.

Thus, I’ve created my own little version – Vanilla Salt.

Vanilla Salt 

1/2 cup very fine sea salt
2 large vanilla beans


Carefully slice the vanilla bean down the center and scrape the wonderful and precious center from the pod using a flat knife or small spoon. 

In an airtight container, combine the salt and vanilla together and shake or stir. 

Allow the flavors to mix for a least one week, shaking every so often to prevent any clumping.




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