Creamy Lemon Cauliflower Risotto

After crafting preserved lemons in the kitchen a few weeks ago, I’ve been coming up with ways to savor the delicate delights of heaven and use them in any and every way I can.

This really has been a simple task ~ I have no problem with creativity in the kitchen.

Others, however, have been inquiring as to ways to use the preserved goodness.
Finely diced, they can be added to everything. EVERYTHING!

·       preserved lemons + olive oil = gorgeous salad dressing

·       preserved lemons + balsamic vinegar = magical ice cream sauce (vanilla)

·       preserved lemons + sautéed veggies = zippy and surprising meal in and of itself


·       preserved lemons + grain-free “risotto” = heaven


The soft and salty goodness, coupled with the subtle natural tang of the lemons through preservation lends itself to the perfect pairing with a sweet and creamy grain-free risotto in this recipe.

As you can see, things were quickly consumed before the photo session could take place.

I was lucky to capture what I did before it was all savored away.

Creamy Lemon Cauliflower Risotto


1/2 large head cauliflower
1 large parsnip, peeled
1 Tbs. coconut oil
2 tsp. vanilla salt
1/2 cup full-fat coconut milk
juice of 1 lemon
2 Tbs. fresh basil, thinly sliced
1/4 preserved lemon, rinsed and thinly sliced
fresh baby spinach leaves


Using the shredding blade of a food processor, process both cauliflower and parsnip to the consistency of “rice.”
 If the shredding blade creates too long of “shreds” for the parsnip, pulse with the “s” blade until perfect.

In a large skillet, over medium heat, melt coconut oil. Add the cauliflower and parsnip “rice” and sauté until soft. Add vanilla salt and coconut milk and reduce until thick and super creamy, like risotto. 

Remove from heat.

Add fresh lemon juice and thinly sliced basil.

Stir in moderate amounts of fresh baby spinach and served topped with thinly sliced preserved lemons.


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