Homemade Coconut Butter

Homemade Coconut Butter

Coconut butter really is one of the greatest things on earth.


It’s thick, it’s smooth, it’s sweet, and it’s just so delicious.

I rave about the delectability on a regular basis and am often asked about the difference between coconut butter and coconut oil. Apparently, this information is rather confusing to folks ~
Neither my heart nor my soul is able to understand the confusion, simply because of my dedication to each product and adoration of it for individual use.  Coconut oil is great for high-heat cooking and baking. Coconut butter, on the other hand….oh no no no….this is a “raw” product and not really to be heated.  It’s simply to be CONSUMED!  Yes, I can certainly pile away copious amounts of this creamy white heaven on earth.

The differences and definitions:

Coconut oil: Coconut oil is the fat pressed from coconut meat.  Rather solid at room temperature, when melted, this becomes a clear liquid.

Coconut butter: (oh, the best!)  Coconut butter – sometimes referred to as coconut cream – is actually pureed coconut meat.  This means that the product includes both the coconut oil AND the desiccated coconut.  I love to eat this right out of the jar, off the spoon…or spread atop just about anything.  It’s SO naturally sweet.

And just for kicks…

Coconut milk: Coconut milk is made by squeezing grated coconut meat, blended with water, through a cheesecloth.  “Light” coconut milk is simply coconut milk with water added to it…not recommended.  The health benefits of full-fat coconut are tremendous!  Why would you count yourself short?

Coconut water: This is the clearer fluid typically found in the cavity of a coconut when you crack it open. It has no fat in it, so it doesn’t transmit the benefits of either oil or milk, but it does contain natural sugars, as well as beneficial minerals. In particular, water is an excellent source of the electrolyte potassium, and so confers all the health benefits associated with proper potassium intake and is popular among athletes.  This is also very sweet, and not my preference.


Oh, and you can read all about the health benefits (not just the taste bud benefits) of coconut here.  It’s pretty darn amazing.  In fact, it’s kinda like Windex, it’ll cure anything!  Slather it on and shovel it down. And, it tastes so good in everything!

Anyway, I usually purchase raw coconut butter from Artisana.  It’s absolutely A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.
Truly amazing.


While I tend to be fairly lazy when it comes to things like this – it’s SO easy to make, the hefty price tag is starting to take a toll, considering my more than liberal daily consumption.

Thus, I’ve taken it upon myself to haul out the food processor, pour in the coconut flakes, and give it a whir.

And that’s it.

Maybe a few scraping down the sides of the bowl.  But not much.

It grinds and forms a paste…and then a liquid.

Pour that liquid into any storage vessel.

And wait for the heat to dissipate and for the butter to harden up just a bit.




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