Mini Sweet Peppers & Whipped Coconut Cream

Mini Sweet Peppers & Whipped Coconut Cream

10-12 mini sweet peppers, tops removed, seeded, and sliced
1 tsp. coconut oil
1 Tbs. fresh rosemary, minced
1 Tbs. fig balsamic vinegar
sea salt and pepper

1 cup coconut cream


Heat the oil over medium heat and add peppers. 
Sauté for 1-2 minutes, adding rosemary and salt and pepper. 
Deglaze with vinegar.


Meanwhile, use the thick coconut cream resting at the top of a chilled can of full-fat coconut milk to cream the whipped cream. 

Separate the thick cream from the liquid milk (reserving for another use) and whip on high with a hand mixer or stand mixer until stiff and still creamy.


Top the whipped cream with the super-sweet peppers.





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