Persian Lime Meltaway Medallions


First, a lesson in limes:

Persian Lime

Persian Lime: Also known as the Bearss or Tahiti Lime, the Persian Lime is the most common variety found in the United States. Generally larger and less aromatic, the Persian Lime tends to be both less acidic and bitter than some other varieties.

Key LimeKey Lime: Made famous by its namesake pie, the Key Lime differs from its larger cousin in a number of ways. First, it’s significantly smaller and as a result yields less juice. In addition the Key Lime has more seeds and its flavor is more intense and possesses a bitter component not present in its Persian cousin. Finally, this fruit turns yellow when ripe.

Kaffir LimeKaffir Lime: Commonly found in the near east, the Kaffir Lime is extensively used in the cuisine of the region. Often referred to as a Makrut Lime because Kaffir is considered offensive in some languages, this lime can be easily identified by its bumpy texture. This fruit has a very sour flavor and as a result, is commonly used as a medicine.


And, after the shortbread awesomeness from a few weeks ago (a quote from one friend, gifted with just a small taste, “I’m a new man” – yes, they really were THAT GOOD. Remember, orgasmically good), a new endeavor become to replicate that awesomeness using key limes.

Persian Lime Meltaway Medallions

2 sticks butter, creamed
1 cup powdered sugar + 2 cups for “tossing”
1 tsp. vanilla extract
juice of 4 Persian limes
zest of 3 Persian limes (use the above listed limes)
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. sea salt
2 cups flour

Cream the butter, sugar, and vanilla together. Fold in the lime juice and zest. Once more, fold in the baking powder, sea salt, and flour.

Roll the dough into two long round logs – smaller in diameter for “coins” and larger for elegant medallions.

Wrap tightly in plastic wrap and chill overnight, or up to 3 days.

Once ready to bake:

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
Slice into large coins (aka medallions) and bake for 15 minutes.
While still warm, gently toss (or flip) in a large bowl of remaining 2 cups of powdered sugar to coat – they will melt away in your mouth.



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