Country Cottage Peach Pudding Pie with Saltine Crust

A humble crumble saltine crust adds just the right amount of salt and a soft bread custard texture that lends itself to surprise and sensual curiosity, along with a splash of adult-only liqueur.

Country Cottage Peach Pudding Pie 

Saltine Crust:
30 Saltine Crackers
3 Tbs. cane sugar
5 Tbs. butter, melted


Pudding Pie:
1¼ cups cane sugar
2 Tbs. all-purpose flour
½ tsp. kosher salt
2 Tbs. butter, melted
3 large eggs
1 large egg yolk
1 cup peach juice
3 Tbs. peach liqueur
2 Tbs. peach preserves
1 cup pastured (grass-fed), organic heavy cream


Grind the crackers into fine crumbs using the “s” blade of a food processor. Add the sugar and melted butter and pulse just to incorporate.


Pour the crumbs into an ungreased 9-inch pie plate, spreading evenly over the bottom and pressing the outer edge of the crumbs up the sides of the plate.

Use your hands or the cupped edge of a spoon to smooth out bumps. Put the pie pan into the freezer and freeze until solid, about 10 minutes.


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. 


Bake on the center oven rack until fragrant and darkened slightly, 14 to 16 minutes. Cool completely and refrigerate the crust for 10 minutes prior to filling.


Once the filling is ready to prepare, preheat the oven to 325 degrees. 


Place the prebaked pie shell on a rimmed baking sheet.


In a large bowl, whisk together the sugar, flour, salt, and melted butter. 
Whisk in the eggs and egg yolk one at a time, blending well after each addition. Whisk in the peach juice, liqueur, preserves, and heavy cream, and then pour it into the shell.


Bake for about 60 minutes, rotating the pie 180 degrees 30 to 35 minutes through baking.


The pie is finished when the edges are set and puffed slightly, and the center is no longer liquid but still quite wobbly and puffed up. (Be careful not to overtake, as the pudding/custard can separate ~ the filling will continue to cook and set after the pie is removed from the oven).


Cool completely, 2 to 3 hours and serve at room temperature or cool with an extra dollop of peach preserves and a drizzle of both heavy cream and peach liqueur.



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