Candied Tomatoes

Candied Tomatoes

2 to 2-1/2 pounds delicious, ripe, medium-sized tomatoes (not plum tomatoes, unless they are extremely flavorful, and never Roma tomatoes which are flavorless)
1 cup robust extra-virgin olive oil**
kosher salt


**No measuring took place this time around, surprise, surprise. And we actually opted to make two batches. The first batch was made with sliced tomatoes and Persian Lime Olive Oil from Venice Olive Oil Co., and the second was made with tomato wedges and Basil Olive Oil.


Preheat oven to 400 degrees. 


Core tomatoes and halve vertically or slice. 
Do not seed. 
Leave small tomatoes in halves, cut slightly larger tomatoes into 4 wedges, medium ones into 6, and large ones into 8. 


In a half-sheet pan, or two 2-1/2-quart shallow metal baking pans (not glass or enameled metal), arrange tomato wedges cut side up, about 1/2 to 1-inch apart. 


Coat tomatoes with oil — there should be enough to film the bottom of the pan as well. Sprinkle with salt.


Bake for 30 minutes, then lower the heat to 350 degrees and bake for another 30 minutes. 


Turn heat to 300 degrees, and bake 30 more minutes, or until edges are slightly darkened. 


If edges are not yet colored, turn the heat down to 250 and bake another 10 to 15 minutes. Remove tomatoes from the oven. 


Cool for 20 minutes. 


Transfer them to a shallow glass or china dish and pour their oil over them. 


Let mellow, uncovered, at room temperature for 4 to 6 hours.


Layer in a storage container, pour in their oil and refrigerate. To serve, drain off all oil from tomatoes and offer at room temperature. 


Taste for seasoning. Freeze tomatoes in their oil in sealed plastic containers for up to 3 months.



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