Apple Rosettes

Apple Rosettes 

1/2 pkg. puff pastry, thawed and covered with a moist towel
flour for dusting
1 medium reddish apple, halved and core removed (reddish = some sweet variety red in color – I used Fuji)
4 Tbs. butter, room temperature or softer
1 Tbs. lemon juice
1/4 cup water
cinnamon and sugar


Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.

Roll out the pastry to about double the size – if you can get there, dusting your work surface and rolling pin with flour.

Slice into 6 longish pieces. Cover the pastry with a moist towel so it does not dry out.

Slice the apple halves into very thin half-moons.

Combine apple slices, lemon juice, and water in a microwave safe bowl and zap for 3 minutes.


Butter each pastry strip liberally. Cover the top 2/3 of each strip with overlapping apple slices (see photos) and then sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar.
Fold the remaining 1/3 of pastry towards the apples.

Roll to form rosettes.

Place each rosette (6 total) inside the cup of a muffin tin.

Bake for about 40-45 minutes, until the pastry begins to brown around the edges.


Cool to room temperature before serving. Dust with any remaining sugar, if desired.



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