Golden Burgundy Beet & Basil Raclette Quiche

Without much to say, I’ll continue to bake.

While it’s technically not beet season in my neck of the woods – root veggies are usually reserved for fall and winter – I’ll continue to cook up the tasty tubers to my delight. This time: Golden Burgundy Beet & Basil Raclette Quiche.

Raclette is a semi-hard cheese that is usually fashioned into a wheel of about 6 kg. The Alpine cow milk-based dairy product is most commonly used for melting but is also consumed as a slice. Raclette is a Swiss dish, also very popular in Savoie, based on heating the cheese and scraping off the melted part. THINK FONDUE.


Golden Burgundy Beet & Basil Raclette Quiche


6 Tbs. cold butter, chopped into 1″ cubes
1 large egg
1 1/2 cups 
all-purpose flour
1 Tbs. white vinegar
2 Tbs. fresh basil, chopped
1-2 Tbs. ice water

Combine all the ingredients except the water in the bowl of a large food processor. Pulse until crumbly. 

Slowly add the water and continue to pulse until beady.
Transfer to parchment paper and form the dough crumbs into a nice disc.
Cover with another layer of parchment and roll out into a 10″ round.
Transfer to a pie plate and flute the edges with your fingers.


6 large eggs
1 cup golden beets, cooked, peeled, and chopped
1 cup Raclette cheese, shredded
1 tsp. white balsamic vinegar
sea salt and pepper
2 large burgundy beets, cooked, peeled, and thinly sliced


Preheat the oven to 425 degrees.


Beat the eggs and fold in the golden beets, Raclette, and white balsamic vinegar. 


Season well with salt and pepper.

Pour the egg mixture into the prepared crust.


Line the top with the burgundy beets. 

Generously season with fresh ground pepper.

Bake for about 35 minutes, until the eggs are just beginning to set.

Remove from the oven and allow to cool (the eggs will continue to cook) completely before slicing and serving.



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