Gluten-Free Roasted Tomato Pasta

You know, all those tomatoes bursting forth from summer – they are calling your name.

They want to be roasted, and blistered, and tossed in tasty olive oil – and then served with freshly shaved parmesan and homemade gluten-free noodles. Yes, they do.
And, YOU can do it!

Gluten-Free Roasted Tomato Pasta

1 cup Pamela’s Gluten-Free Artisan flour
1 pastured egg

2 cups rainbow cherry tomatoes
2 Tbs. olive oil
sea salt and pepper
fresh thyme
parmesan cheese


Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. 


Toss the tomatoes in olive oil and salt and pepper (and thyme) and roast on a baking sheet, stirring every so often, for about 35 minutes – until blistered.


Meanwhile, in a medium bowl, form a well inside a mound of the flour and add the egg in the center. 


Pull the flour and other ingredients into the egg. When crumbly, form the pasta dough into a ball with your hands. Use your “feel” to make sure the moisture content is just right. You don’t want the dough too wet and you don’t want it too dry. 


It should feel somewhat dry while you let it rest in a ball for about 10 minutes. (Add either more flour or water to correct any moisture issues).


Bring a large pot of SALTED water to a boil and add the cut noodles, simmering for about 3 minutes.




Transfer back to the large pot and toss with the roasted tomatoes. Add additional salt and pepper, as well as olive oil to thoroughly coat.


To serve, top with shaved parmesan cheese and fresh thyme.



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