Sweet Potato Lime Curry Soup

As I was gushing over my adoration of cooking for others, particularly soup, a friend said to me, 

“How many hours a day do you spend in the kitchen? The kitchen gives me SO much anxiety. I love soup, but it’s just too much for me to cook!”

And, just as Monica Gellar would say, with confidence and power, I responded,

I’ll do it!”


And that was it.

It’s a little sweet, it’s plenty savory, and it’s just a bit salty. 

It’s Sweet Potato Lime Curry Soup and I also baked her a little loaf of gluten-free artisan lime bread, slathered in cilantro butter!


Sweet Potato Lime Curry Soup 

1 1/2 lbs. sweet potatoes, cooked, peeled, and diced
12 oz. full-fat coconut milk
juice and zest of 3 fresh limes
2 tsp. Thai green curry paste
3/4 tsp. sea salt
1/2 cup heavy cream
fresh cilantro
toasted coconut flakes


Combine the cooked sweet potatoes, coconut milk, lime juice and zest, curry paste, and sea salt in a heavy-duty blend. 


Purée until smooth.


Transfer to a large stock pot. 


Stir in the cream and heat to a simmer. 


Add a little additional vegetable broth, if it’s too thick for you.


Top with fresh cilantro and toasted coconut.



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