Black Rice Angel Hair & Buffalo Beef

Spoiled AGAIN by Valerie’s kindness, I had very special black rice (almost purple) angel hair pasta and exceptional beef with which to play. I added shredded carrots, a little hot sauce (well, kind of a lot), and some blue cheese cream to soothe the taste buds of the buffalo hot wings lover in my life: Black Rice Angel Hair & Buffalo Beef.

Black Rice Angel Hair & Buffalo Beef

6 oz. dried black rice angel hair pasta
sea salt
1 lb. lean ground beef
1 cup shredded carrots
2 Tbs. hot sauce (more or less, depending on your palate)
1/4 cup sour cream
3 oz. good blue cheese, crumbled
1 tsp. olive oil
sea salt and pepper
fresh cilantro


Bring a large pot of water to a bowl. 


Season with salt.

Add the black rice pasta and cook for about three minutes.

Drain and set aside.


Add the ground beef to the pot and cook well, breaking up with the back of a wooden spoon or spatula. 


Add plenty of salt and pepper.

Once the beef is mainly cooked, add the carrots and hot sauce. 


Stir well.


In a small bowl, whisk together the sour cream, blue cheese crumbles, and olive oil until well combined.


Add the cooked pasta to the spiced beef and carrots and stir in the blue cheese mixture. Mix well.


Serve topped with fresh cilantro, if desired.



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