Celebration Sprinkle Confetti Vanilla Cookies (Gluten-Free, Dairy-Fee)

I think birthdays are a cause for celebration. Whether it be an actual BIRTH DATE (yes, another friend of mine labored and birthed a beautiful baby boy), or a recognition of age and travels around the sun, these milestones call for something special.

Today, the little babycakes’ arrival and the 49 revolutions around the sun of another friend called for cookies: Celebration Vanilla Cookies. 


These happen to be both gluten-free and dairy-free cookies AND, they happen to be “trickster” cookies as well. As simple is as simple does: good old gluten-free, dairy-free vanilla cookies with pearled chocolate candies and sprinkles, one friend insisted the cookies were peanut butter chocolate and another swore cornflakes were involved. NOT SO – the only thing super special is the delicious delight in baked goods created with LOVE.




Celebration Sprinkle Confetti Vanilla Cookies (Gluten-Free, Dairy-Fee)

1 cup vegan butter (Earth Balance), room temperature
1 3/4 cup white sugar
3 large eggs
2 tsp. vanilla extract
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. sea salt
2 1/2 cup Pamela’s Gluten-Free Artisan Flour
1 cup pearled sprinkles and cake candy decor (chocolate-covered pearls)


Preheat the oven to 355 degrees.


Cream together the vegan butter, sugar, and eggs, until fluffy.

Add the vanilla, baking soda, baking powder, and salt. 


Continue to cream for an additional 1-2 minutes.

Add the flour 1/2 cup at a time and mix until well incorporated.

Fold in the candy and sprinkles.


Let the dough sit for 10-15 minutes, chilling in the fridge.


Using a melon baller, scoop 1-inch spoonfuls onto parchment-lined cookie sheets. 


Bake for 12-13 minutes, until just beginning to turn golden brown.

Remove from the oven and cool.


Enjoy – surprising and delighting all your consumers with the flavor amalgamation, taking best guesses as to the ingredient list!


Celebrate in any way, shape, or form. Why not?



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