Vegan Mexican Mushroom Creamy Pasta

I’ve mentioned before that many, MANY of my friends follow a vegan, plant-based diet. 


Although I AM an absolute cheese freak and couldn’t possibly imagine a life without my go-to sharp, hard cheesy decadence EVERY SINGLE NIGHT, I completely respect, adore, and honor my girlfriend’s hopes, desires, dreams, beliefs, and dietary habits.

I had the honor of visiting my girlfriend, Jenna, rather recently. And, at the same time, had the compulsion (overwhelmingly positive) to create a wonderful, fulfilling, vegan meal for her. 


She SO deserves it!

Vegan, Kite Hill Cream Cheese, Mexican Mushroom Tapenade, and Orecchiette Pasta with salt and pepper round out this meal, with a touch of fresh thyme, to tickle your taste buds and warm your heart!

Vegan Mexican Mushroom Creamy Pasta

1 lb. orecchiette pasta
1 Tbs. olive oil
16 oz. Kite Hill vegan cream cheese (plain)
1 1/2 cups Mexican Mushroom Tapenade*
1 Tbs. nutritional yeast
sea salt and pepper
1 Tbs. fresh thyme


Bring a large pot of water to a boil.

Once rolling, add about 1 tsp. sea salt.

Add the dried pasta and cook until al dente.


Add the vegan cream cheese and tapenade, as well as the olive oil, salt and pepper, and nutritional yeast.

Over VERY low heat, melt and combine all ingredients. 


Stir well.

Plate and top with fresh thyme.



*Mexican Mushroom Tapenade
2 Tbs. extra-virgin olive oil
3 cloves garlic minced
1 Tbs. chopped fresh thyme 
¼ tsp each salt & pepper
3 cups Cremini mushrooms, finely chopped
2 cups quartered Shitake mushrooms, finely chopped
¼ cup dry white wine
⅓ cup roasted red peppers, finely chopped
1 Tbs. chopped fresh cilantro
1 tsp. ground cumin


In a large skillet, heat the oil over medium heat.

Add the garlic and cook until slightly browned.

Add the thyme, salt and pepper, and mushrooms, and cook until the shrooms begin to release their juices. 


Continue stirring.

Add the wine and roasted red peppers and cook until almost dry.

Season with the cilantro and cumin.



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