Arugula Avocado Toast

Unless you’ve been living in the land of invisibilia over the last 5-10 years, you are aware that “avocado toast” is a thing. A big thing! In fact, with its own hashtag on social media, the simple veggie smash seemed to have taken over the world for a hot minute (just like kale and kale chips from 2011-2014 – oh, how I miss that craze!).


While not storming your Instagram feed anymore, avocado toast is still on the breakfast (lunch and dinner) menus across the world for good reason: it’s darn tasty!


This version uses my freshly homemade sourdough bread, herbed cream cheese, sliced avocado (of course), fresh, peppery arugula, creamy pine nuts, and both sea salt and pepper. 


Long story short, the meal is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!


Arugula Avocado Toast

3-4 thick slabs of Stay at Home Sourdough (or store-bought – but it’s not as good) – toasting is optional with the FRESH baked bread
4 oz. herbed cream cheese
1 ripe avocado, peeled, pitted, and thinly sliced
1 cup fresh arugula leaves
2 Tbs. pine nuts
sea salt and pepper
drizzle of olive oil


Slather the cream cheese equally over the slices of bread.

Top with slivers of avocado and arugula leaves.

Sprinkle with the pine nuts and salt and pepper, and drizzle with a touch of olive oil to gently dress the greens.



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