Coconut Chocolate Rose Bliss Bars


“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose. By any other name would smell as sweet.”

-William Shakespeare


I adore the scent, the aroma, the feel, and the flavor of rose – oh, and the sheer beauty the bloom offers in any and every way.


“The gentle rose offers a powerful joy known only to the heart.”


The rose is magical. It’s a flower, a bloom, but also a true sentiment.


… and a kiss of rose within RAW CHOCOLATE could not make the world any sweeter.



With bunches of Righteously Raw Cacao and Rose Bites, I had a hankering for not only ROSE delights, but coconut delights. Like a Mounds (but SO much better – oh, how can I even reference THAT?), the Righteous Vegan Chocolate Coconut Bar has me swooning just about every night – as does the subtly scented rose chocolate. 


Thus, I had to combine and create – something super great. (You know about all the benefits of RAW Cacao, right?


Coconut Chocolate Rose Bliss Bars


1 cup coconut oil, melted and slightly cooled
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup sweetened coconut flaked + 1/3 cup for topping
3/4 cup coconut sugar, processed into a fine powder
1/4 tsp. sea salt
4 drops Absolute Rose Oil
10 Righteous Cacao Raw Chocolate Rose Bite Sized squares, chopped


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

Line a square baking dish with parchment paper.


Mix together the melted coconut oil, flour, 1 cup coconut, sugar, sea salt, and rose oil. 


Mix well to form a dense dough.


Press the dough into the prepared baking dish.

Sprinkle with the remaining coconut flakes and rose chocolate.


Bake for 15 minutes, until the chocolate has melted and the coconut is beginning to brown.


Remove from the oven and chill for several hours before slicing and serving these divine, blissful bites of chocolate coconut rose heaven!



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